Wow! How time flies! Mali celebrated her 4th birthday at the end of April. We had a good old-fashioned "weenie roast" at Grandma Dolly's house. Mali learned to climb a tree, Maja ran up and down the bed of the wheat truck for what must have amounted to miles, and Daniel climbed on the tractors. It was a very fun day!
Mali had lots of friends and family at her party. Grandma and Grandpa (Donna & Gene) were there, NaiNai (Grandma Dolly), Grandpa B (Brent), Ward, Jon, our friends Shelley, Tim and Gabe. The kids played all day and sure took good naps later on! Grandpa B is a weenie roast expert - doing them over a real wood fire on a good farm-seasoned pitchfork.
The 16th of May was Maja's 2 year "Gotcha Day" anniversary. Two years?? In 2006 we were in Beijing on Mother's Day and received Maja two days later. What a gift! Yesterday we were at Grandma Dolly's house to catch up with Travis & Melissa and their son Nicholas. Nicholas is 2 1/2 now and he and Daniel chummed around the farm together. Grandpa B gave rides on the old John Deere -- suprisingly Maja was the star of the tractor (Mali wanted nothing to do with it). Daniel thought the tractor was cool, but Maja was driving!!! She made a couple of turns all on her own. She'll be driving the grain cart next summer if Grandpa B has anything to do with it!
Aunt Helen from Colorado got to come for a short visit a few weeks ago. It was good to see her and catch up a little.
We hope all of you are well!
(P.S. All of these pictures will enlarge if you click on them)