Friday, April 24, 2009

Questions, questions, questions...

So tonight Mali asked me where comets come from. Comets? Why does she know about comets?? And where do they come from? So then she started asking me about the moon and how to get there and why people want to walk in outer space. Then we were looking at stars on the internet and she asked why Antares was red. Again, I have no idea! My almost-5-year-old isn't supposed to ask me such tough things!

Last week she was asking me how Jesus and God and "that other guy" (the Holy Spirit) can be one and three at the same time. My answer: "Magic?" Really, I'm not ready for questions so deep and probing. Then she asked how Jesus can be God and God's son. Got me. He just is. Then she asked about Jesus' mom. Okay, I can answer that. THEN it was, "If I can't see God, how did he get to be Jesus' dad? I can see my dad." Got me again. Definitely not ready for this.

Last fall she asked why leaves fall off of trees in the fall. She was not satisfied until I explained chlorophyll.

If this happens at nearly-5, what happens at 10 or 15??? :-)

November 2007
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

~~ Helen Keller

Fun at the beach!

Fun at the beach!

Beautiful sunset with our friends at the lake

Beautiful sunset with our friends at the lake