Here is Mali, posing in her "Snow Princess" tiara and accessories from our friend Shelley. I did a terrible job of taking Christmas photos this year. I forgot to take my camera to my Mom's on Christmas Eve and she still hasn't sent me the photos that she took (hint, hint Mom!). Then I just plain neglected to bring my camera in at Grandma Dolly's on Christmas Day. (Hint, hint Dad!) Then we had Christmas with Tony's brother and his family on New Year's Day and I didn't even bother to try to take the camera that day! Ha ha! I had given up hope of getting pictures by that time. Maja was sick and didn't leave me much time for orchestrating photo opportunities!
Maja actually has matching Snow Princess gear, but she doens't look quite as happy wearing hers. (Poor little bugger was sick all through the holidays!)
Daniel was WAY excited about Christmas this year. Every single gift caused him to jump and spin and scream with excitement. He was quite uncontainable. :-) I wish I had a little video clip to post of his excitement, but alas, I do not.
We hope everyone out there in our cyberworld had a blessed Christmas season as well!
Glad you all had a great holiday even with sickness and wild children. :-)
Happy New Year!!
Okay, Alyssa, it's time for more pictures.
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