Saturday, February 7, 2009

Spring is in the air!!!

Yesterday we had temperatures in the 70's!!! Today I think it was 60-something and it's supposed to stay that way for the better part of the week! Hallelujah! I know it's only February, but I'm perfectly happy to take some spring weather! I hope some of the rest of you have gotten to enjoy this kind of beautiful weather.

Daniel will be turning FIVE in about a week and a half -- I can't even believe it!

Jen (my oldest, closest friend) and I are going on our annual scrapbook weekend in only five days! I'm so excited! We spend 3 days holed up in a hotel room just cutting and pasting and laughing all weekend. I'm hoping to get a family book done from August '07 (right after Daniel came home) through this CNY. (My new scrapbooking plan is to make a family book each year that goes from CNY to CNY.) We'll see if I stick to that plan! Each of the kids have a book that goes from referral (or the earliest pics we have of them) through about their first year or first birthday with our family. I don't think I can maintain three separate books for all of their growing up years, so I guess some day they will just have to fight over the family ones we'll have. :-)

Get out and enjoy this spring weather if you have it! It'll shake those winter doldrums away!


P.S. If any of you haven't seen the CNY pics, they are in the January archives.


Monkeys Mommy said...

We haven't quite made it to 70, but we've been in the 50's
and it feels amazing! What a mood lifter to see all that snow melt and to get some fresh, warm air!
PS - It is hard to keep up with separate albums for all three kids - that's why I put it all on the blog!

Allie, Katie and Harper's Mom said...

I just found your blog thru
BAAS! Looks like we have alot
in common! We will have virtual
twins too! I'm a scapbook fan
too! My girlfriend and I will
spend all Saturday this week
at a creative memory day!

Have Fun!


Julie said...

We are so spoiled out here, it feels like spring all winter long. But we pay the price in the summer! Happy 5th birthday to Daniel! And have fun scrapbooking!

November 2007
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

~~ Helen Keller

Fun at the beach!

Fun at the beach!

Beautiful sunset with our friends at the lake

Beautiful sunset with our friends at the lake